Peter Sprivulis

Peter Sprivulis

Geeky emergency doc; trying to understand and model complex systems.

28 posts

Less #2: A beef with beef

Unsustainable pastoral lease beef grazing is destroying sensitive habitats across Australia. The beef is mainly sold for burgers, 'the gateway drug' to junk-food related diseases. Should stopping beef exports be viewed the same way as stopping coal exports?

The Climate #4: Heading south

The land-based effects of global heating require a coordinated international response. Unsurvivable heat, impending water and food shortages, coupled with population overshoot, mean many people will soon be on the move. How many will move? And where will they go?

Less #1: Coming ready or not

Does global heating, resource depletion and declining globalisation mean we face a less stable future, unlikely to supply our needs & wants reliably? If so, what strategies should we consider in planning to adapt and mitigate the impacts?

Peak Everything #3: Everything from everywhere

Everything comes from everywhere: globalisation, enmeshed with anaemic policy, constrains effective climate and overshoot action. But times are changing. Will strained to breaking point supply chains and resource nationalism mean we will need to prioritise what we ask of the rest of the world?

The Climate #3: Sea Change?

As millions continue migrating to a coastal way of life worldwide - are rising sea levels and severe weather, coupled with ground water extraction sinking whole cities, posing existential threats to coastal communities?

Peak Everything #2: Overshoot

As humanity continues to ignore a path to sustainability, the question is not whether we have overshot Earth's capacity to support us, but by how much. A recent revisit to the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth models suggests global population and resource extraction peaks this decade. After that...?