Industrial agriculture requires the mining, manufacture and distribution of 200 million tons of fertiliser annually. Without it, most of us would starve. Every step of world fertiliser supply depends on fossil fuels. How do we feed 8 billion people as fossil fuel supplies dry up?
Does global heating, resource depletion and declining globalisation mean we face a less stable future, unlikely to supply our needs & wants reliably? If so, what strategies should we consider in planning to adapt and mitigate the impacts?
Everything comes from everywhere: globalisation, enmeshed with anaemic policy, constrains effective climate and overshoot action. But times are changing.
Will strained to breaking point supply chains and resource nationalism mean we will need to prioritise what we ask of the rest of the world?
As humanity continues to ignore a path to sustainability, the question is not whether we have overshot Earth's capacity to support us, but by how much. A recent revisit to the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth models suggests global population and resource extraction peaks this decade. After that...?
What will being past Peak Easy Energy, having consumed all the easy and cheap-to-extract fossil fuels available on Earth, means for our transition to a carbon absorbing economy within the next couple of decades?
Where is Nannup and why I have started a blog discussing the challenges of living a Nannup life (or living anywhere else on the planet for that matter....)